Our skins encounter a lot of rigorous stimulation, even as men. The first thing you need to do is be on the lookout for those products which contain natural ingredients, as your skin will tolerate them easier.
Abe & Jar Sailors Blend Beard Shampoo and Conditioner : Start with a pleasant facial wash in the morning. Using a towel, dry the excess water while leaving your skin a little bit damp when applying your moisturizer. We recommend using one of the Abe & Jar Beard Oils or Beard Balms, as it penetrates deep into the skin and helps with collagen production. Abe & Jar products are formulated to not only keep your beard hydrated and soft, but also acts as a great skin moisturizer.
An occasional use of a face mask helps to clean out pores, reducing blackheads and acne. In addition, we encourage men to use a good exfoliating scrub at least twice a week.
Another vital component for keeping your skin hydrated and looking great is drinking water and making sure your diet is in check. Additional diet details are provided in the educational section of Abe & Jar.